6 Tips for Managing a Territorial Dog

6 Tips for Managing a Territorial Dog

Dogs are wonderful companions, offering us their unconditional love and loyalty. However, some dogs can become territorial, displaying aggressive or protective behavior over their territory or their owners. This can lead to challenging situations for both the dog and their owners, especially if the behavior is not addressed and corrected.

In this blog, we will delve into the topic of territorial dogs and explore the reasons behind their behavior, the signs to look out for, and effective ways to train them to be less territorial. Whether you are a new dog owner or have been living with a territorial dog for some time, this blog will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you and your furry friend live happily and safely together.

What is Territorial Aggression in Dogs?

Territorial aggression in dogs is a behavior where a dog becomes protective of their perceived territory, which can include their home, yard, or even their owner. Dogs may display this type of aggression by barking, growling, or even biting when they feel that their territory is being threatened.

Territorial aggression in dogs is often rooted in instinctual behavior. Historically, dogs were bred to protect their owners' homes and property from potential threats, such as predators or intruders. However, in modern times, this behavior can become problematic, especially if the dog's territorial behavior becomes excessive and leads to aggressive actions towards people or other animals.

There are several factors that can contribute to a dog's territorial aggression. For instance, dogs who have not been properly socialized with other animals or people may view them as threats to their territory. Additionally, dogs who have been poorly trained or who have experienced trauma or abuse may be more likely to exhibit territorial aggression.

Treatment for territorial aggression in dogs may include behavior modification techniques, such as counter-conditioning and desensitization, as well as medication in some cases. It's important for owners to seek the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to address territorial aggression and prevent any potential harm to the dog or others.

Follow these six tips to help you manage your territorial dog.

1. Obedience Training Is a Must to Curb Territorial Aggression

It is vitally important you and your dog have a solid foundation of obedience training. Not only will this training help you control and manage your dog, especially when he's excited, but it will also help you teach him not to react to other people or dogs. If you're able to do this training on your own, great. Teach him all of the basic exercises, including sit, down, stay, come, and walk on a leash nicely as these are the foundation exercises for all obedience training. In addition, teach him the leave it exercise which means, 'Ignore whatever you're focused on right now." Teach "watch me" also so that he understands when to pay attention to you. If you don't have the skills to do this training on your own, then talk to a local dog trainer and ask for help.

2. Reward Your Dog's Calm Behaviors

Territorial dogs tend to be reactive dogs. If your dog is watchful, pays attention to everything that's going on, paces, and gets excited easily, then you need to help him learn how to calm himself. By giving him an 'off' switch, he can learn to calm himself and to relax. Essentially, you're giving him permission to go off duty; he doesn't need to protect everything.

Start by teach him down and stay. When he can do both during our training sessions, then with his leash on in the house, ask him to lie down and stay in a specific spot in the house. A dog bed by the sofa in the living room or next to your desk chair in your home office will work. Gradually increase the time you ask him to stay in that spot until he can relax there without immediately bouncing back up. Then, begin asking him to stay in his spot with some small distractions in the house (the kids are laughing and playing in the same room) and then more distractions (perhaps someone is eating). With more practice, then ask him to down stay when there is a distraction outside that he'd rather react to; again, have his leash on so you can help him do this. Keep his training fun and reward him liberally as he works with you but at the same time, help him do it right. This is important.

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3. Exercise Your Dog's Body

Regular daily exercise is important for almost all dogs but it's even more important for territorial dogs. When his body is well-exercised and tired, even a territorial dog will be more apt to take a nap. A long game of fetch, a good jog with you, a run alongside the bicycle, or a swim will all work. Find the exercise best suited to your likes and your dog's willingness to do with you.

4. Stimulate Your Dog's Brain

Obedience training is important and must be a part of helping a territorial dog, but keeping his mind busy in other ways is also important. When his brain is tired, he's less apt to get into trouble. Teaching your dog tricks is a great way to challenge his brain.

Trick training is training, just like obedience training, but dogs and owners are more apt to have fun with it. Teaching your dog a canine sport, such as agility, flyball, or scenting games, is also fun and a great challenge. More advanced obedience skills, such as hand signals, are also good for challenging his learning abilities.

5. Make it Difficult for Territorial Aggression to Occur

If your dog has some favorite spots where he waits for trespassers he can bark and rage against, make some changes so that his behavior is no longer possible. Inside the house, pull the drapes, close the door and move the sofa, or even block his access to that room. Outside, block his vision through the fence, restrict certain portions of the yard, or bring him inside. 

Keep in mind this barking and reactivity quickly becomes a habit. Your dog isn't thinking about the person walking past. He isn't analyzing the situation, "Hmm...this person is a threat but that person isn't." His behavior is a bad habit driven by instinct so it's important to make it difficult to continue this behavior. This may require you to make some changes in your home, yard, or habits but it's an important part of managing a territorial dog.

6. Praise the Behaviors You Want to See Again

Many dog owners tend to yell when their dog is making a mistake but forget to praise those things their dog does right. Unfortunately, this is not good dog training. If you yell when your dog is raging against a (in his mind) trespasser, then you're yelling at that trespasser, too. Yelling is the human equivalent of barking, right? Screaming at your dog doesn't teach him what to do, either. It's just not good dog training. Feel free to interrupt behaviors that occur that you don't want to happen in the future but do so wisely. Use your dog's leash and remove him from a bad situation, use your training to re-direct him and gain his attention ("Leave it! Watch me! Good!")

Most importantly, though, help him do what you want him to do and don't forget to praise and reward him when he's calm, when he doesn't bark, when he ignores someone walking past, when he stops barking when you ask him to, and when he cooperates in any way. Territorial behavior is difficult to completely eliminate but it can be managed in many dogs; depending on the severity of the behavior. The management techniques need to be practiced often and sometimes for the dog's lifetime.

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