Year 7 - Cabbage Patch Kid

The Best Halloween Costumes for your Dog

Halloween means costumes! With these fun ideas, your dog can easily join in the fun.

Pet owners, rejoice! Halloween is fast approaching. And we all know what that means—dog costumes! To celebrate the upcoming season of spookiness, we’ve reached out to a pro dog costumer who’s sharing some amazing ideas to help make this Halloween one for the books. 

Before we get started, it’s key to remember the first rule of doggy dress-up: know thy dog. Don’t push them outside of their comfort zone, even if it means missing out on a killer Instagram story. Always make sure that your pup’s face is unobstructed and that the costume doesn’t restrict movement. 

If you’ve got a chewer or scavenger, watch out for rogue bits of costume that could be ingested. Bribery is acceptable! Keep some treats on hand to encourage your dog. Finally, get creative! 

As evidenced by our Star Wars Day celebration, we’re big proponents of getting our four-legged family members in on the fun. And now, without further ado, we’d like to introduce Eugene, a ten-year-old Daschund from Toronto, Canada who has been sweeping the dog costume award circuit since he was a tiny pup.

Check out some of his most show-stopping looks and get ready to be inspired.


Our cars drive themselves, we’ve got virtual assistants that tell us the weather, and our homes are getting smarter than we are. Why shouldn’t our dogs join the fun? This simple but striking look can be achieved with a box, some aluminium foil, and a healthy dose of creativity. AI takeover, indeed!

Year 1—Ween-Bot, photo and costume by Melissa Johnston

Andy Warhol

You read the print version of the New Yorker, you’ve got a mid-century modern coffee table and you only drink flat whites with oat milk, please and thank you. Make sure that your dog stays on brand with a costume that’ll give you major art culture street cred. Bonus points if you include a teeny tiny Warhol-esque print starring your pup!

Year 2—Andy Wienerhol, photo and costume by Melissa Johnston


Long live the king! Pay homage to rock and roll royalty with a bit of white fabric, some gemstones and a glue gun, and the best little pompadour you can muster. While this particular look was inspired by Elvis in his heydey, feel free to draw inspiration from other key eras. Aloha Hawaii, perhaps?

Year 4—Elvis, photo and costume by Melissa Johnston


Who hasn’t dreamt of becoming a space explorer, booking a seat on a billionaire’s interplanetary shuttle, or just decamping to another galaxy to escape the daily grind? Space travel for the masses may still be a little while off, so why not live vicariously through your dog in the meantime? This look can be as simple or as detailed as you’d like, but we think that everyone will agree that the little doggy spaceboots really complete the outfit.

Year 5—Armstrong, photo and costume by Melissa Johnston

Cabbage Patch Kid

Babies of the 80s, this one’s for you. Pay tribute to your favourite childhood companion with this cute and cuddly costume that’ll spark nostalgic joy in everyone you pass. If you’ve got a baby, even better. Your kid and your dog can match!

Year 7—Cabbage Patch Kid, photo and costume by Melissa Johnston


Last, but certainly not least, a shout out to the artist that needed only a symbol but left a big mark on the music industry. Gone but not forgotten, help ensure that the Artist Formerly Known as Prince’s legacy lives on by dressing your dog up as The Purple One, otherwise known as the High Priest of Pop. Not only are you guaranteed to dazzle, it’s a great excuse to bust out that Prince playlist.

Year 8—Prince, photo and costume by Melissa Johnston

Kate Walker

Kate is a writer and a lifelong lover of dogs. She regularly volunteers with rescue organizations and counts her years spent working alongside a therapy dog as a personal highlight. She's the proud parent of a beautiful Golden Retriever (and a tiny human, too) and is happiest when spending time with her pack.
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